Press Release #9

Within the Project ‘Capacity building to the Mongolian vegetable tanned yak leather cluster on bio-leather and bio-leather products’ (SYL Project) funded by the EU, in the framework of the SWITCH-Asia Grants Programme, the “Instituto Tecnologico Del Calzado Y Conexas” (INESCOP) in collaboration with the “Mongolian Association of Leather Industry” (MALI), organized a six-day training programme for tannery staff of the Vegetable Tanned Yak Leather Cluster, on

(i) the latest beamhouse (soaking, liming & bating) techniques in tanneries, based on new selections of chemicals and equipment
(ii) the latest tanning & finishing techniques (novel sources of vegetable tannins, low temperature organic dyes).

The training took place from 24th to 29th of April 2023 at Buligaar tannery facilities in Ulaanbaatar.

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